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AG Tutoring LLC

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Why AG Tutoring LLC?

The information below applies to our Essential & Premium test prep memberships.

Features AG Tutoring LLC Princeton Review Other Competitors
Guaranteed To Work With A Tutor Who Attended A Top 15 University Yes No No
Realistic Score Guarantee Terms Yes.
Minimum time is required to take advantage of our score guarantee. We even allow students to be marked as "attending sessions" if they watch the recordings of group sessions and complete the corresponding work. 1 "absence" is allowed.
Weekly sessions: 2-3 total hours
Weekly homework: 1.5-2 total hours
Minimum proctored exams: 2-3 exams
Students must attend all live sessions.
Weekly sessions: 2.25-4.5 total hours
Weekly homework: 3+ total hours
Minimum proctored exams: 4 exams
Usually students must attend all live sessions and/or watch all video recordings, complete all homework assignments, and attend around 4-6 proctored practice exams.
College Consulting Included Yes No No
Materials At least 3 hardcopy test prep books and 2 or more PDF copies of my test prep books
Extra practice questions both in the course portal and available as part of free resources we recommend outside of this course for extra practice
Personalized prep plan created by a Vanderbilt graduate
3 hardcopy test prep books
Extra practice questions in the course portal
AI created homework plan
Usually hardcopy test prep books are NOT included and most practice is done through a course portal. If hardcopies are available, they are usually only available for packages that are around or above $1,000. Most homework plans are either "one size fits all" or created by AI.
Unlimited Text Support & Body Doubling Sessions Yes. We offer unlimited text support and students can attend as many body doubling sessions as they'd like. There are always at least 5 optional body doubling sessions available each week. No. No.
Accountability System Yes. We check if students are scheduling their sessions, completing their homework assignments, and scheduling the required number of proctored practice exams. If a student fails to do one or more of these things, then the tutor will reach out to both the student and the parent by email. No. No.
Specific Score Guarantees SAT: 150-200+ points or a score of 1400-1500+

ACT: 3-5+ points or a score of 31-34+
SAT: 150-200+ points or a score of 1400-1500+

ACT: 5+ points or a score of 31-34+
General "your score will increase" guarantees WITHOUT a specific amount guaranteed
Pricing 100% live tutoring unless the student chooses self-paced + live tutoring: $1,500-$4,200 Self-paced WITH live tutoring: $1,849-$5,000 Self-paced NO live tutoring: $129-$499
Self-paced WITH live tutoring: $499-$1,999+ with lower-end packages often requiring you to purchase additional tutoring hours. These packages also comes with vague "your score will increase" by an unspecified amount guarantees. You could be paying $1,999+ for your SAT score to only increase 10 points.

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